Why do mosquitoes like biting the face more than other part of the body?

If so, possibly because it is not covered and does not move as much as the hands.

Also, they are attracted to carbon dioxide, which is exhaled.

Mosquitoes are attracted to certain characteristics that may make the face a more enticing target for them. Here are a few reasons why mosquitoes may be more inclined to bite the face:

1. Odor: Mosquitoes are primarily attracted to the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted through our breath as well as body odor. Since our face tends to be less covered and closer to their target (our breath), mosquitoes may be drawn to the scent of our exhaled CO2.

2. Temperature: The skin on our face is often warmer than other parts of our body. Mosquitoes are sensitive to heat and are attracted to warmer areas. The warmth emitted by the blood vessels on our face may attract mosquitoes to that specific area.

3. Moisture: Mosquitoes are also drawn to moisture, as it helps them survive and breed. Our eyes, nose, and mouth produce moisture through tears, mucus, and saliva, respectively. This moisture can make the face an inviting target for mosquitoes.

While these factors may contribute to mosquitoes being more attracted to the face, it's important to note that individual factors like body odor, humidity, and clothing choices can also play a role in mosquito preferences.