It takes a ship 3 hours to cover 72 km with the current and 4 hours against the current. Find the speed of the ship in still water and the speed of the current.

Well I had this problem for homework and the correct answers are the current is 3km/h and the speed of the ship is 21 km/h.

You are here too

ya that is correct

answer is 21 is speed of ship and 3 is speed of current


s + c = 72 / 3

s - c = 72 / 4

add the equations (to eliminate c)

solve for s

substitute back to find c

hello hello

yah yeet aksdkkdkjf math is so fun

y u all out ur head up ur as. use it for math. 3 and 21. PS math is fun

who doesnt looooove math? ;)

Ok guys, the speed of the SHIP is 21 km/h and the speed of the CURRENT is 3km/h. Glad I could help <3

Ndudeunduensuwnsunws use your brain 🧠

Yeet if ya here ya stupiiiiid

s = 21 km/h

c = 6 km/h