A container has capacity of 2/3. It is filled 3/4.

How many liters of water will be left in the container after 1/6 liter is poured out?

I have no idea how to do this problem! Please help guide me through this math problem! Thank You!

2/3 of what?

(2/3)(3/4)-(1/6) = 1/3

No problem! Let's break down the problem step by step.

First, let's find out the capacity of the container. You mentioned that it has a capacity of 2/3. To calculate this, we need to know the total volume of the container. Let's assume it is 'C' liters.

Since the container is filled to 3/4 of its capacity, we can calculate the volume of water in the container by multiplying the capacity (C) by the fraction filled (3/4):

Volume of water = C * (3/4)

Next, you mentioned that 1/6 liter is poured out from the container. So, we need to subtract this amount from the volume of water in the container.

New volume of water = Volume of water - 1/6

Now, we can calculate the result. But before that, let's simplify the fractions.

3/4 can be written as 18/24 in terms of a common denominator (24).
1/6 can also be written as 4/24 in terms of a common denominator (24).

Now, subtract the fractions:

New volume of water = (18/24) * C - (4/24)

To find the amount of water remaining in the container, subtract the new volume of water from the capacity:

Remaining water = C - New volume of water

Now, you can calculate the answer using these steps and any specific values given for the container's capacity (C).