Cashews sell for. 65 per ounce. What is the cost of 3/4 of a pound?

3/4 pound = 12 ounces

To calculate the cost of 3/4 of a pound of cashews at $0.65 per ounce, you need to convert pounds to ounces and then multiply by the cost per ounce.

There are 16 ounces in a pound, so to convert 3/4 of a pound to ounces, multiply 0.75 (3/4) by 16:

0.75 * 16 = 12

So, 3/4 of a pound is equal to 12 ounces.

Next, to find the cost, multiply the number of ounces (12) by the cost per ounce ($0.65):

12 * $0.65 = $7.80

Therefore, the cost of 3/4 of a pound of cashews would be $7.80.