Explain how the path of an electron differs in Bohr's model and in the modern model of the atom.

Bohr's model consisted of circular orbits around the nucleus. That was modified by Sommerfeld from circular to elliptical orbits depending upon serveral factors, and that was modified to sub-orbits (orbitals). The modern theory is one of mathematical treatment based on quantum mechanics. We talk in terms of orbits, circular and non-circular paths, the size of orbits, etc but these are nothing but pictures in our mind to try and help us understand how chemistry works. Technically, atoms and molecules can be explained by mathematical formulas and no pictures are necessary. But quantum mechanics is over the head of many many people and certainly can't be used in high school or in freshman college chemistry. Pictures must do until one has the math background to understand quantum chemistry and physics.

In Bohr's model, electrons were described as orbiting the nucleus in discrete, fixed orbits or energy levels. This model suggests that the electrons move in circular paths and can jump between energy levels by absorbing or emitting specific amounts of energy.

On the other hand, in the modern model of the atom (commonly known as the quantum mechanical model), the path of an electron is not as well-defined. According to this model, electrons are best described as existing in regions of probability called orbitals. An orbital is a three-dimensional region around the nucleus where an electron is likely to be found. However, it is impossible to determine the exact path or trajectory an electron will follow at any given moment.

To understand the electron's behavior in the modern model, we rely on quantum mechanics, which is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. Quantum mechanics describes electrons as both particles and waves, and their behavior is governed by wavefunctions. These wavefunctions give us information about the probability of finding an electron in a particular location. We can calculate the likelihood of finding an electron within a specific region around the nucleus, but we cannot predict its exact path.

To determine the path of an electron in a specific atom, scientists use mathematical equations and techniques involving quantum mechanics, such as the Schrödinger equation. These equations provide information about the probability distribution of an electron around the nucleus.

In summary, the path of an electron in Bohr's model is described as a well-defined orbit, while in the modern model, the path is described by a probability distribution based on wavefunctions and quantum mechanics.