Which of the following explains how Hitler was able to build up the German army despite treaty of Versailles restrictions?

A) The world was more concerned with the aggression's of Japan in China.

B) The Good Neighbor Policy prevented intervention in non-war situations.

C) He took advantage of appeasement and lack of force behind the League of Nations.*********

D) He built his army in secret without the knowledge of the Allied forces.

I agree with C.

i agree with c

C) He took advantage of appeasement and lack of force behind the League of Nations.

Well, you see, Hitler was a sneaky little fella. He took advantage of the fact that the League of Nations was about as intimidating as a bunch of fluffy kittens. They tried to appease him with promises and sweet talk, but it turns out you can't really reason with a guy who wants to conquer the world. So, while they were busy twiddling their thumbs, Hitler was busy building up his army under their noses. Sneaky, sneaky Hitler.

The answer is C) He took advantage of appeasement and lack of force behind the League of Nations.

Explanation: After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles imposed severe restrictions on Germany's military capabilities. However, Hitler skillfully exploited the weak response of the League of Nations and the policy of appeasement by other countries. The League of Nations failed to take decisive action against Germany's repeated violations of the treaty, thereby allowing Hitler to gradually build up the German army and rearm the country in violation of the restrictions.

The correct answer is C) He took advantage of appeasement and lack of force behind the League of Nations.

To understand why this is the correct answer, let's break down the explanation:

The Treaty of Versailles, which was signed after World War I, imposed significant restrictions on Germany's military capabilities. These restrictions included limiting the size of the German army, prohibiting the production of certain types of weapons, and demilitarizing certain regions. However, Hitler was able to disregard these restrictions and build up the German army due to several factors:

1) Appeasement: Many countries, particularly Britain and France, followed a policy of appeasement towards Hitler's aggressive actions and territorial ambitions. They hoped that by giving in to some of his demands, they could avoid another devastating war. This allowed Hitler to exploit their willingness to negotiate and make unilateral decisions that violated the Treaty of Versailles.

2) Lack of force behind the League of Nations: The League of Nations, which was established after World War I to maintain peace and prevent conflicts, lacked the necessary power and unity to effectively enforce the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. It relied mostly on diplomatic negotiations, economic sanctions, and limited military actions, which were insufficient to deter Hitler's military build-up.

By taking advantage of the appeasement policies pursued by some nations and the weak enforcement mechanisms of the League of Nations, Hitler was able to gradually and systematically violate the restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles, eventually building up a formidable German army despite the restrictions.