A flower displays contains tulips, roses, and carnations. For every 10 tulips, there are 4 roses and 6 carnation. The display contains 100 flowers. How many of the flowers are tulips?


t = tulips

r = roses

c = carnations

For every 10 tulips, there are 4 roses and 6 carnation mean:

r = ( 4 / 10 ) t = 0.4 t

c = ( 6 / 10 ) t = 0.6 t

t + r + c = 100

t + 0.4 t + 0.6 t = 100

2 t = 100 Divide both sides by 2

t = 100 / 2 = 50 tulips

r = 0.4 * 50 = 20 roses

c = 0.6 * 50 = 30 carnation

Let's use the given information to solve the problem step-by-step.

Step 1: Assign variables to the quantities we need to find. Let's call the number of tulips "t", the number of roses "r", and the number of carnations "c".

Step 2: Write an equation for the ratio of tulips to roses. Since there are 10 tulips for every 4 roses, we can write the equation: t = (10/4) * r.

Step 3: Write an equation for the ratio of tulips to carnations. Since there are 10 tulips for every 6 carnations, we can write the equation: t = (10/6) * c.

Step 4: Write an equation for the total number of flowers in the display. Since there are 100 flowers in total, we can write the equation: t + r + c = 100.

Step 5: Substitute the values from the ratios into the total equation. Substituting (10/4) * r for t and (10/6) * c for t in the total equation, we get: (10/4) * r + r + (10/6) * c = 100.

Step 6: Simplify the equation by multiplying through by the denominators. Multiplying through by 4 and 6, the equation becomes: 15r + 24r + 10c = 600.

Step 7: Simplify the equation further. Combining like terms, the equation becomes: 39r + 10c = 600.

Step 8: Since we want to find the number of tulips (t), we need to eliminate the variables r and c. However, we can't solve this equation with just one equation, and we don't have enough information to do so.

Therefore, it's not possible to determine the exact number of tulips without additional information.

To find the number of tulips in the flower display, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of tulips in the flower display is represented by the variable "t".

According to the given information, for every 10 tulips, there are 4 roses. So, the number of roses would be (4/10)*t, which simplifies to (2/5)*t.

Similarly, for every 10 tulips, there are 6 carnations. Therefore, the number of carnations would be (6/10)*t, which simplifies to (3/5)*t.

Since the total number of flowers in the display is 100, we can add up the number of tulips, roses, and carnations to get the equation t + (2/5)*t + (3/5)*t = 100.

Simplifying the equation, we get:

(5/5)*t + (2/5)*t + (3/5)*t = 100
(10/5)*t = 100
(2/1)*t = 100
2t = 100
t = 50

Therefore, there are 50 tulips in the flower display.