In a town of 5,000 people 30% are children.If 60% of the children are boys, how many girls are there in the town.

30% of 5,000 is 1,500.

60% of the 1,500 kids are boys.

That means 40% of 1,500 kids are girls.

40% of 1,500 is 600.

There are 600 girls in the town.

40% of 30% of 5,000

.1*5,000 + .02*5,000
500 + 100

Rn a village of 5000 people, 60℅ are children and 40℅ of the children are boys how many are girls

Charlie bought a bat

for $180 and after one month sold it for $30 less than he paid, how much did he sell the bat?

To find the number of girls in the town, we need to determine the number of children and the number of boys.

First, let's calculate the number of children in the town. We know that 30% of the population is comprised of children. To calculate this, multiply the total population (5,000) by 30% (0.30):

5,000 (total population) x 0.30 (percentage of children) = 1,500 (number of children)

Next, we need to find the number of boys among the children. We know that 60% of the children are boys. To calculate this, multiply the number of children (1,500) by 60% (0.60):

1,500 (number of children) x 0.60 (percentage of boys) = 900 (number of boys)

Since we now know the number of boys, we can determine the number of girls. By subtracting the number of boys from the total number of children, we get the number of girls:

1,500 (number of children) - 900 (number of boys) = 600 (number of girls)

Therefore, there are 600 girls in the town.