Draw an ERD that shows cardinality relationships among the entities.

When you create your ERD, you'll need to consider the training courses, trainers, corporate clients, students, test results, class schedules, and probably a few more. You'll find it easier if you follow these steps:
1.Identify all the entities. Review your DFDs and verify that we know the people, places, things, or events for which data is collected and maintained.
2.Determine all significant events or activities for two or more entities. You'll need to analyze the business operations and identify the entities and the nature of the relationship between them.
3.Analyze the nature of the interaction. Does the interaction involve one instance of the entity or many? Is the pattern always the same or does it depend on some factor?
4.Prepare the ERD diagram using Microsoft Visio. Study the diagram carefully to ensure that all entities and relationships are shown accurately. Use cardinality notation and include the correct symbols to indicate the nature of each relationship.
Phase IV – System Design
Database Design and Input/output Design
1.Review the ERD created in Phase III of the project.Refine the ERD by creating a new entity for each many-to-many relationship. 2.For each entity, Jesse wants to see table designs in 3NF. Use standard notation format (schema) to show the primary key and the other fields in each table. 3.Create tables using Microsoft Access by following the design of step 2 and enforce the relationships among entities. 4.Use sample data to populate fields for at least three records in each table. I did the dfd and dfd 0. I really don't have a clue what to do now can anbody tell me how do i get started with this?

Here are some sites for ERD. Hopefully something there will at least get you started.


No websites in the post. Could you post again please

Draw an ERD

To get started with drawing an ERD and creating table designs in 3NF, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify Entities
Review your DFDs and identify all the entities involved in the system. In this case, the entities could include training courses, trainers, corporate clients, students, test results, class schedules, etc.

Step 2: Determine Relationships
Analyze the business operations and identify the relationships between the entities. Determine the nature of these relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many).

Step 3: Analyze Interaction
Analyze the nature of the interaction between the entities. Determine whether the interaction involves one instance or many, and whether it is always the same or depends on some factor.

Step 4: Prepare the ERD Diagram
Using a tool like Microsoft Visio, create the ERD diagram. Make sure to accurately represent all entities and relationships. Use appropriate cardinality notation and symbols to indicate the nature of each relationship.

Step 5: Refine the ERD
If there are many-to-many relationships, create new entities to represent those relationships. Add these new entities to your ERD.

Step 6: Create Table Designs in 3NF
For each entity in the ERD, design tables using standard notation (schema) to show the primary key and other fields in each table. Follow the guidelines of the third normal form (3NF) to eliminate any data redundancy and ensure data integrity.

Step 7: Create Tables in Microsoft Access
Use a tool like Microsoft Access to create tables based on the table designs created in step 6. Enforce the relationships among the entities as defined in the ERD.

Step 8: Populate Sample Data
To test the functionality of the database, populate the fields of each table with sample data. Make sure to include at least three records for each table.

By following these steps, you can successfully create an ERD, design tables in 3NF, and implement the database using a tool like Microsoft Access.