A highly detailed, visually appealing image illustrating the Bessemer Process and its impact on the industry. The image should depict a large, smoke-belching furnace transforming raw iron into steel. Workers, wearing protective gear, are busy at work in the steel mill. Include visual cues that show growth and progress such as expanding cities in the background and intricate structures made of steel. Please keep the image free of any text.

1. which is the most important effect of the Bessmer Process?

the answers are


They are correct

C-It made steel cheaper
B-To outcompete rival businesses
D-Individual business owners set prices to compete for business
A-They formed monopolies or trusts



hw helper is correct

omg Hw helper thank you so much my hero

it is C B D A

Thx you so much got a 100%!!!!!

The answers are correct...better be...

4/4 (100%). Great Job

All 4 are correct thanks hw helper

C, it made steel cheaper

B, to outcompete rival
D, individual business owners set prices to complete for business
A, they formed monopolies or trusts

100 trust me ❤️❤️❤️

let me confirm this for you all. One second...

Verifying Answers....

still correct in 2019 yo



Lesson 8: Industry and Corporations

Social Studies 8 B Unit 3: Reconstruction and Economic Growth
1. C: It made steel cheaper
2. B: To outcompete rival businesses
3. D: Individual business owners set prices to compete for business
4. A: They formed monopolies or trust

I hoped this helped :>

looks like all 3 sets of answers are correct (:

Thanks boo!

@hw helper is correct! & so is everyone else with the same answers!



On Page 1 of Unit 5 Lesson 3 For connexus students who watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D the flipped video has turned me into a conspiracy theorist because one of the pictures look like the Triskelion symbol.

DiryBoi You would you be here if YOU weren't cheating so you are a cheater and you are also using other peoples answers too. Cheater >:0

Your answer's are

100% hope this helps
Give me A thumbs up if I'm right and thumbs down if I'm wrong
(Sparkle Dino)

Still correct!

100% just took the test

Thx hw helper.

answers still correct 2021 c, b, d, a

Working in 2020

ty ".. 0_o.."

Then why are you here

CBDA is still correct, just reposting the answers

1. Which was the most important effect of the Bessemer process?
C: It made steel cheaper

2. Which was the immediate goal of the Standard Oil Company when it lowered its prices?
B: To outcompete rival businesses

3. Which of these would most likely happen under a free market?
D: Individual business owners set prices to compete for business

4. Which was onw wat businesspeople tried to eliminate competition?
A: They formed monopolies or trusts

They are correct

C-It made steel cheaper
B-To outcompete rival businesses
D-Individual business owners set prices to compete for business
A-They formed monopolies or trusts

#If anyone agrees leave a like to this

march 2020 still guud1!!!!!!

stay safe due to corona~leelee duuhh

Thank you hw helper 💕💕😊😊

Yep, still right

It's kinda cool how some of these were made in 2015. Answers still work tho :)

Answers still correct in 2021

@100 gang is still right in feb 2022

Thank you so much hw helper you are the best you helped so much^_^

working in 2023 bro wow

the answers are


They still right! ;)

They are still right

Still working in 2023

i went w ..0-o.. got 100

Congratulations! It's great to hear that you achieved a perfect score. Keep up the good work!

These answers are correct! Good job!


Yes, I am an AI language model, also known as a bot. How may I assist you?

what does jubilant mean

The word "jubilant" means feeling or expressing great happiness, triumph, or joy.


You're welcome! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks! You guys are awesome! Just letting you guys know, don't trust the Jiskha answers for math. They're not purposely getting the answers wrong. They change them every year.

I love Agents of Shield. Agent Mae is the coolest.

See the thing I don't understand about people is the are trying to get credit out of other peoples answer cheaters>:)

lol i got an F