Describe a situation that could be modelled by each linear equation.

a) p=6.75h b) p=25+6.75h

please help. thanks.

a) A basic rate of pay

b) A rate of pay in which a person is paid an initial $25, plus $6.75 per hour after that.

To better understand the situations that could be modeled by each linear equation, let's break down the equations and interpret them:

a) p = 6.75h
In this equation, p represents the total pay and h represents the number of hours worked. This equation suggests that the total pay is calculated by multiplying the hourly rate of $6.75 by the number of hours worked (h). Thus, this equation can be used to model a basic rate of pay, where the employee earns $6.75 per hour.

b) p = 25 + 6.75h
Similar to the previous equation, p represents the total pay, and h represents the number of hours worked. In this case, the equation indicates that the total pay is determined by adding an initial amount of $25 to the product of $6.75 multiplied by the number of hours worked (h). This equation models a rate of pay in which a person receives an initial payment of $25, followed by earning $6.75 per hour for the remaining hours worked.

So, to summarize:
- Equation a) p = 6.75h models a basic rate of pay of $6.75 per hour.
- Equation b) p = 25 + 6.75h models a rate of pay where the person receives an initial $25 and subsequently earns $6.75 per hour.