Ethan Frome test please check my answers and correct if they are wrong

4. Which word best describes the atmosphere, or mood, of the Prologue and Chapter I?
A. jolly

B. comfortable

C. severe

D. superstitious
B is wrong Answer c

11. What kind of conflict describes the struggle between Ethan and Zeena over Mattie?
Answer man vs self due to his feeling for mattie and zeena's jealousy

12. What kind of narrative device does Edith Wharton use at both the beginning and the end of Ethan Frome?
Answer i believe the narrating device is foreshadow.

14. In Chapter IV, when Ethan sees the headstone in the cemetery commemorating the fifty-year marriage of another Ethan and his wife, Endurance, what ironic thought strikes him?
Answer his ironic thought is that he could be happy with mattie for the rest of his life when he thought the seven years he's ben with zeena seemed like to much

For question 4, based on the information given, the correct answer would be C. severe. To determine the best answer, it is helpful to consider the details and tone of the Prologue and Chapter I. These chapters primarily focus on introducing the grim and austere atmosphere of Ethan Frome's life in the small, isolated town of Starkfield. The language and descriptions used create a sense of severity and gloom, which aligns with the atmosphere described by the word "severe."

For question 11, you correctly identified the conflict as man vs self. Ethan's struggle between his feelings for Mattie and Zeena's jealousy represents an internal conflict within himself, as he must navigate his own emotions and desires while contending with the consequences and responsibilities.

Regarding question 12, your answer is incorrect. The narrative device used at the beginning and end of Ethan Frome is frame narrative or framing device. A frame narrative is a literary technique where the story is introduced by an overarching narrative that sets the context and provides a framework for the main story. In Ethan Frome, the story is introduced through a frame narrative from the perspective of an outsider who provides an account of Ethan's tragic life.

Finally, for question 14, you provided a correct answer. When Ethan sees the headstone commemorating another Ethan's fifty-year marriage, he has an ironic thought that he could have had a happy life with Mattie for the rest of his life. This ironic thought arises from the stark contrast between the failed and unhappy marriage of Ethan Frome and Zeena and the seemingly successful and enduring marriage of the other Ethan and his wife Endurance.