which of the following answer choices

contains a metaphor?
A) his skin was sand paper
B) the sun sparkled like a diamond
C) she wanted to be like the birds and fly away
D) they felt free when they ran through the door im not trying to cheat i just need serious help!

~ Kakashi Hatake

Study some of these sites. Then post your answer.


To determine which of the answer choices contains a metaphor, we need to understand what a metaphor is. A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one thing IS another thing, even though it's not literally true.

Let's analyze the answer choices:

A) "His skin was sandpaper" - This is a metaphor. It compares the texture of his skin to sandpaper, suggesting that his skin feels rough.

B) "The sun sparkled like a diamond" - This is a simile, not a metaphor. Similes use "like" or "as" to compare two different things.

C) "She wanted to be like the birds and fly away" - This is a simile, not a metaphor. It uses "like" to compare the girl's desire to be like the birds.

D) "They felt free when they ran through the door" - This is not a metaphor. It describes a feeling of freedom without directly comparing anything.

So, the answer choice that contains a metaphor is A) "His skin was sandpaper."