Which of the following is the best example of the growing fear of communism and foreigners that America was experiencing in the 1920s?

A Labor unions losing supporters

B The John Scopes trial

C The Harlem Renaissance

D the Sacco and Vanzetti trial

Is it A or

Well history may be for you but not for everyone!!!!!! Anyway, I read it and still just come to CHECK my answers:) But you are right that you shouldn't skim through, just don't look down on these people who need help:)

Bro I seriously literally just skip through my whole lesson cuz history is definitely not my thing I suck at it so I get good grades here to help me get my overall grades up. Shout out to all of you

i suck at history to i come here to CHECK my answers not to get answers and you sure definitely go and read the lesson and watch the video it will make it easier then it is right now for you

A or B

I would say A.

An introduction to the John Scopes (Monkey) Trial

There a jury was to decide the fate of John Scopes, a high school biology teacher charged with illegally teaching the theory of evolution. The guilt or innocence of John Scopes, and even the constitutionality of Tennessee's anti-evolution statute, mattered little. ... William Jennings ...

So A is right


Im sorry if its not. But i jus like helping. Is it correct? I sure hope so. I wouldnt want you to get a bad grade.

So if it's not A or B is it C

same dudez

A is wrong.

It's not A or B. Two guesses is all you get here. You're on your own now; please do not post this again.

Uggghhhhh, do y'all just skip through your lessons and then look for answers on Jiskha? (Not saying I'm perfecttttttt) But History is the easiest class? Just watch the video that comes with it, skip through the slides (Maybe read a bit from some of them), and you should be set, my compelling nature wants so badly to just give you the answer, because its plastered everywhere in the lesson XD... Jeezzzzzzz.. Just watch the video next time, It's d...