Kim drives 156 miles from Rotherham to London.

She drives at an average speed of 60 miles per hour.

She leaves Rotherham at 7:30 am.

Does she drive in London before 10:00 am?

Time = 156/60 = 2.6 hours

6/10 × 60 = 36 minutes
Kim takes 2 hours 36 minutes.
The arrival time is :
7 : 30 + (2hrs 36 minutes) =
10 : 06 a.m
Kim arrives at 10:06 am which is past 10:00 am.

Just need to add :

No , Kim does not arrive in London before 10: 00 am .
Thanks for your help as well ! Just realised you get 3 / 4 marks with your answer but to get full marks , that sentence above gives you the full 4/ 4 marks .
Have a good day ! Bye !

i just need the full answer

Time = 156/60 = 2.6 hours

6/10 × 60 = 36 minutes
Kim takes 2 hours 36 minutes.
The arrival time is :
7 : 30 + (2hrs 36 minutes) =
10 : 06 a.m
Kim arrives at 10:06 am which is past 10:00 am.

mmmm i seeee my guy

lmao so true lol

i only got 1 mark bruv

I only got 2/4 marks, How can I get full marks?

Thank you very much!


You are very welcome.

AK its you're you idiot



you wont even get 1 mark for that! ha u man really think your smart think again

156/60 = 2.6 hours