What number is 73% of 215? (1 point)

215 = 0.73n
n = 0.73 × 215
0.73 = n × 215
215 = 73n
2. What percent of 94 is 23? (1 point)
n/94 = 23/100
23/94 = n/100
94/n = 23/100
23/94 = 100/n
3. 80 is 40% of what number? (1 point)
4. Find the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%. (1 point)
5. Jessica bought a computer for $325 and had to pay 6% sales tax. What was the total cost of Jessica’s computer? (1 point)

100% theses are the answers

I took the quiz and these are the correct answers

either help me find he answers myself or just give me the answer I don't care i just want to pass


Is correct I took the quiz and got a 100% I swear


Someone will be glad to check your answers.

1: b - yes

2: b - yes
3:c - no
4: a - yes
5: c - yes

Listen kids, I know it's lonely when parents are not acting like you want them to or how you know they should. Try to not turn that feeling back to yourselves. It's NOT YOU that's the issue. You are not unlovable or "too much trouble" or any negative thing at all. Remember you belong here on Earth and will be OK, keep trying to find help for you issues. Keep reaching out to the adults in your schools and churches for assistance, read books for life advice. Some parents have a lot of troubles because of things you don't know and because life is hard for grown ups. That's no an excuse for bad behavior but it is the truth and you have to work with it. Try to be patient and not turn the negativity on yourselves or fight with them. You are precious and lovable. Love yourselves truly even when it feels that no one cares about you some days. YOU CARE ABOUT YOU. I was a child who grew up abused and neglected and I'm here to tell you it's hard. However, it will only get worse if you ALSO do bad things to yourself like down talk, forgetting about school, stop trying or put yourselves in harm to get attention. So care about yourself even if the grown ups around you are distant or unreliable. Center yourself on being the best person you can be in your family and to yourself. Love, a mom who knows <3

this just got real-

this is too ez

ok i tried to d it myself please check my answers

1: b
2: b
4: a
5: c

thats the problem i dob't know how to get them