A tree is 3,212 years old. How can you express this age in scientific notation with the lowest level of precision?


Scientific Notation


Scientific notation unit 2 lesson 2

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A

COMPLETELY INCORRECT! Please trust me everyone, i just got a 28% on my quiz and my grade is now a D. THANKS A LOT ROSE!!!! The answers:

Please trust me, dont end up with a D :( ;)

the questions randomize for everyone

Meow Meow Kit Kat is correct for California Connections Academy, 8B Unit 2 Lesson 2 (Honors? Algebra).

The questions and answers are as following, though:

1.) Which of the following is 0.0000000708 written in scientific notation?
> A, or 7.08 x 10^-8

2.) Which expression represents the largest number?
> A, or 6.1 x 10^-7

3.) Which expression is equal to 1/8,000 written in scientific notation?
> B, or 1.25 x 10^-4

4.) Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding an expression written in scientific notation the the form of a x 10^n?
> C, or Doubling n results in a doubling of the value of the expression (doubling n results in the value of the expression doubling)

5.) Which number is equal to 7(3.5 x 10^4) written in scientific notation?
> B, or 2.45 x 10^5

6.) Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the economic output of a country. The GDP of the United States was about 1.2 x 10^13 dollars in 2005. This is about 3 times the GDP in 1985. What was the U.S. GDP in 1985?
> C, or 4 x 10^12

7.) A tree is 3,212 years old. How can you express this age in scientific notation with the lowest level of precision?
> A, or 3 x 10^3

I have just taken the assessment and I can confirm that Rose is 100% correct. Thank you, Rose.

Here are the answers.

1. 4.22 x 10^-3
2. 7.08 x 10^-8
3. 6.1 x 10^-7
4. 1.25 x 10^-4
5. Doubling 'n' results in a doubling of the value of the expression.
6. 2.45 x 10^5
7. 3 x 10^3

looks good to me.

Thank you!


Thanks Starquesha! You are 100% correct!

Starquesha is 100% correct thanks!