1. Read this famous quotation from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Which is the best

interpretation of Holmes's meaning?
The most stringent [strict] protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely
shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.
–Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, opinion of the court, Schenck v. United States
(1 point)
The right to free speech is absolute and cannot be infringed upon.
The right to free speech depends upon how the Constitution is interpreted.
The right to free speech differs from state to state and circumstance to circumstance.
The right to free speech does not apply when it infringes upon the rights and safety of others.


yup the answer is D. 2 is B and C and 3 is D btw :)

1. D

2. B, C
3. D

Anon was right! 100%

Look we are soooooo dead if people actually know how we pass classes

actually the saying is "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins"

Anon is right once again, thanks b

^ LOOOOOL , they're acting as if they're the owner of this website.

Thanks Anon

Thanks @yoongi 100%

lol right

thanks anon ;3

still right 2022

Its this website and these strands that keep me goin lol

@anon you legend

2023 still correct

Yes, D.

It's similar to the saying -- I have the right to swing my fist until it comes in contact with your nose.

I disagree.