Construct A triangle Abc Such That Ab Is 6cm Abc 90degree

To construct a triangle ABC where AB is 6 cm and ∠ABC is a right angle (90 degrees), you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a straight line segment AB. Mark point A at one end and measure 6 cm from point A in the direction of B. Mark point B at this position.

2. To construct the right angle at point B, take a compass and set its width to any convenient distance (say, more than half the length of AB). Place the compass point at point B and draw an arc that intersects AB.

3. Without changing the compass width, place the compass point on the intersection point of the arc and AB, and draw another arc above AB.

4. Next, take a ruler and draw a line segment connecting the point of intersection of the two arcs to point B. This line will be perpendicular to AB, forming a right angle at point B.

5. Finally, label the point of intersection of the perpendicular line and AB as C. Now, you have constructed triangle ABC where AB = 6 cm and ∠ABC is a right angle.

Remember to use a ruler and a compass for accurate measurements and constructions.