I have to make at on the character mark brian from the book I heard the owl call my name and the project needs to include his occupation, education, cause of death, major accompishments, name of his family members, place of residence ,place of burial?

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I need to help me answer these questions as soon as possible

I need help can you help me answer these questions as soon as possible

I haven't read this book. Have you?

yes but I don't know those answers I really need help

can you find someone to help me

I don't know of anyone else who has read this book.

You may need to read it again.

i cant its due mondsy

You have a lot of reading to do this weekend!

well, mark hears the owl call his name so it indicates that mark will die soon. then after a while a landslide collapses onto his boat and he dies.

cause of his death^

it's kind of like the story "the scarlet ibis" because the little boy sees the bird(ibis) and its red, which shows bad luck.

well I need to know the answer of the rest of the questions