Last month,sam spent 12% of a sum of money on transport and 25% of the remainder on food.of the rest,he gave $1320 to his parents and then bought a bicycle at a sale.if the usual price of the bicycle was $825 and the discount was 20%,what was the sum of money sam had at the beginning?

original amount ---- $x

amount spent on transport = .12x
amount left = .88x

he spends 1/4 of that on food
leaving him with (3/4)(.88x) = .66x
gives $1320 to parents, leaving him with
.66x - 1320

actual cost of bike = .8(825) = 660
Assuming he spent all of his leftover money on the bike ....
.66x - 1320 = 660
.66x = 1980
x = 1980/.66 = 3000

So he had $3000 to start with.

transport = $360 , leaving him with 2640
amount on food = (1/4)(2640) = 660
leaving him 1980
gave 1320 to parents , leaving him with $660 for the bike
My answer is correct.