Create an illustration where there is a northern factory from the Civil War era. Show different parts of the factory being involved in various activities: One part producing goods, another part producing supplies for an army, and yet another receiving cotton from a wagon which represents the West. Also, illustrate a diverse group of factory workers, including newly freed African American individuals, engaging in various labor activities in the factory. Remember to draw all of these components in a way that does not include any text.

How could the North's factories be considered an advantage?

A. The factories could sell surplus goods to Europe for money
B. The factories could be converted to making supplies for the army
C. The factories could get cotton from the West instead
D. The factories could use newly freed African Americans as a cheap source of labor.
Is it A?

The answer is B. Don't listen to Sue, she tries to make you get the wrong answers.


The right answers for connexus is


100% for connexus

A is wrong. The corrects answer is B. This question is refering to the time period of the civil war, so B is the correct answer.

Jshika is the home of connexus users

I got a 100%!!!!!!!!!!! And the teacher thinks I cant make straight A's haha

A to continue their way of life

B the factories could be converted to making supplies for the army
B it marked the beginning of the war
A,B the south believed that the federal government was set against the south, the south believed that the secession was unavoidable
B,C the government was a union of people, not states, and the southern states lacked the power to secede under the constitution

Yup !100% is a 100% right :D

yeah its b. anyway everyone here does connexus? woah hello people

Anti is right

1. A

2. B
3. B
4. A and D
5. B and C

Yup these are correct. But, as a note, this is for Connections Lesson 3 Unit 4

ok i like this site but what if my teachers notice my sudden straight A's lolll

whats the god gamn answer?

liedector is wrong its AD not AB but everything else is right

jk hes right if you have shifted order

1. A

2. B
3. B
4. A and D
5. B and C
These r still the answers for 2022, POG Mate

thanks a lot hala and 100% i got onehundred

Its 2021 so look at liedetector Nov 11, 2020 his answers r ALL correct


My questions weren't in the same order as it was for you all. Thank you liedetector for also putting the answers so i could find the right one. He is 100% right for anyone who else has a shifted order

still correct, 2023 peeps

Right, A.