On Friday, Steven sold 4 pitchers of lemonade from his lemonade stand. On Saturday, he sold 1/3 as much lemonade as on Friday. How many pitchers of lemonade did Steven sell on Saturday?

You have two numbers. What do you think you should do with them?


What did you get?

1 1/3

1 1/3 pitchers

To find out how many pitchers of lemonade Steven sold on Saturday, we need to first determine how many pitchers he sold on Friday.

We are given that Steven sold 4 pitchers of lemonade on Friday.

Next, we need to calculate how much lemonade Steven sold on Saturday, which is 1/3 of what he sold on Friday. To find this, we'll multiply 1/3 by the number of pitchers sold on Friday.

1/3 * 4 pitchers = 4/3 pitchers

Therefore, Steven sold 4/3 (or approximately 1.333) pitchers of lemonade on Saturday.