Mass of ice is 0.015 kg and that of water is 0.05 kg. Both are at 0°C. Find the final mass of ice and water.


Until you get to Einstein and Special relativity, the total mass is CONSTANT.

.015 + .050 = .065 kg

To find the final mass of ice and water, we need to consider the process of phase change and the principle of conservation of mass.

When ice at 0°C is heated, it undergoes a phase change and melts into water at 0°C. During this process, no mass is lost or gained. So, the total mass of ice and water remains constant.

Mass of ice (m₁) = 0.015 kg
Mass of water (m₂) = 0.05 kg

To find the final mass, we simply add the masses of ice and water:
Final mass = m₁ + m₂

Final mass = 0.015 kg + 0.05 kg

Final mass = 0.065 kg

Therefore, the final mass of ice and water is 0.065 kg.