(word problem): On a map two towns are 4 cm apart. If the scale is 1 centimeter = 80 kilometers, how far apart are the towns?

4 * 80 = _______ km

To solve this word problem, you need to use the given scale and calculate the actual distance between the towns.

Step 1: Identify the given values:
- Distance on the map: 4 cm
- Scale: 1 centimeter = 80 kilometers

Step 2: Determine the actual distance between the towns:
Since the scale states that 1 centimeter on the map represents 80 kilometers in reality, you can set up a proportion to find the actual distance.

Let "x" represent the actual distance between the towns. The proportion can be written as:

1 centimeter on the map / Distance on the map = Scale / Actual distance
1 cm / 4 cm = 80 km / x

Step 3: Solve the proportion:
To solve the proportion, cross-multiply and then divide to isolate "x":

1 cm * x = 4 cm * 80 km
x = (4 cm * 80 km) / 1 cm

Step 4: Simplify:
x = (320 km * cm) / cm
x = 320 km

Therefore, the two towns are 320 kilometers apart.