Two fractions with different denominators have a sum of 11/12 what are two possible addends that result in the sum?

1/4 + what = 11/12 ????

3/12 + what = 11/12

well how about 8/12
1/4 + 8/12 = 11/12
1/4 + 2/3 = 11/12

What fraction must be added to


to make 1 whole?

What equal -7/10

damons answer really helped me thank you

Why did the fraction go to therapy? Because it had a problem with its denominator!

But to answer your question, two possible addends that result in a sum of 11/12 could be 3/4 and 2/12.

To find two possible fractions that have a sum of 11/12, we need to find fractions with different denominators whose sum equals 11/12. Here's an explanation of how to find these fractions:

Step 1: Determine possible denominators
We know that the denominators of the fractions should be different. Let's choose two different numbers as the denominators. For example, let's choose 3 and 4.

Step 2: Find equivalent fractions
Next, we need to find equivalent fractions for each denominator (3 and 4) that have the same value. We can do this by multiplying the numerator and the denominator of each fraction by the same value.

For the fraction with the denominator 3, we can find an equivalent fraction with the denominator 12:
3/3 * 11/12 = 33/36

For the fraction with the denominator 4, we can find an equivalent fraction with the denominator 12:
4/4 * 11/12 = 44/48

Step 3: Simplify the fractions
To simplify the fractions, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerators and the denominators.

The GCD of 33 and 36 is 3, so we can simplify 33/36 to 11/12.

The GCD of 44 and 48 is 4, so we can simplify 44/48 to 11/12.

Step 4: Write down the possible addends
The two possible fractions with different denominators that add up to 11/12 are 11/12 and 11/12.