Look at the planes ABCD and EFGH shown below:

Two planes ABCD and EFGH are shown. They intersect in the middle. X is the midpoint of side EF and Y is the midpoint of side DC.

The two planes intersect along which of the following lines?


The two planes intersect along the line **XY**.

To determine which line the two planes intersect along, we need to consider the given information about the planes and the intersection.

Looking at the planes ABCD and EFGH, we see that they intersect in the middle, forming a common line of intersection. In this case, the intersection line is represented by the line connecting the midpoints of the corresponding sides of the two planes, namely point X (the midpoint of side EF) and point Y (the midpoint of side DC).

Therefore, the line along which the two planes intersect is represented by the line XY. So, the correct answer is XY.

I don't know solve it yourself