Find the range of f(x)=-4.7+1 for the domain {-1,3,5,8}

^thats all the problem says, HELP^

I think the problem says:


Very often checking your post before or after posting will save you time, and that of helpers.

You need to know what is "domain" and "range". If you don't find the meaning of the words in your class notes or textbook, here's an example:
Domain is the set of all numbers that can be the "input" to a function.
Range is the set of all possible numbers that are the "output" of a function.
If I say the function
has a domain of {2,3,4} (recall that braces {} enclose a set).
Then the range of g(x) is
{g(2), g(3), g(4)} which evaluates to {7,9,11}.

Based on the example, you can work on your problem. If you need further help, please post.