18.  The author of “Hip­Hop Planet” uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it

to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio because
(1 point)
it shows how quickly hip­hop music commercialized.
the character of Henry really likes candy.
it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory
it shows that not everyone can make it as a full­time rapper.

d. it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory

The author uses the image of the candy box with a ribbon tied around it to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio because it emphasizes the work of the ladies at the candy factory. You see, those highways are as busy as those ladies wrapping ribbons around candy boxes, keeping everything moving and sweet!

The correct answer is: it shows that not everyone can make it as a full-time rapper.

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's analyze the information provided in the question itself. The question states that the author of "Hip-Hop Planet" uses the image of a candy box with a ribbon tied around it to describe the highways of Dayton, Ohio. We are then asked to select the option that best explains why the author made this comparison.

To answer this question correctly, we need to understand the context and purpose of the comparison made by the author. To do so, we would need to read the text or essay "Hip-Hop Planet" by the author. Without this specific information, it is not possible to determine the precise reason for the author's comparison.

Therefore, the correct answer cannot be determined solely based on the information provided in the question. To find the correct answer, one would need to refer to the original source material and analyze the author's intention and message within the context of the essay.

I think it might be the first one