To make fruit punch, Edie mixes two kinds of juices in the following ratio: 1 cup of blueberry to 3 cups of red raspberry. How many cups of red raspberry will Eddie need to make 48 cups of fruit punch?

How do you solve this? I was trying to divide 48 by 3 my answer is 16 but that is wrong. The answer is 36 but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Can someone please explain how I should solve this correctly?

let the amount blueberry juice be x cups

let the amount of raspberry cups be 3x cups
(notice x : 3x = 1 : 3 , as needed)

x + 3x = 48
4x = 48
x = 12
So she needs 12 cups of blueberry and 36 cups of raspberry

notice 12 : 36 = 1 : 3 as required.

To solve this problem, you need to understand the ratio between blueberry juice and red raspberry juice. The ratio given is 1 cup of blueberry juice to 3 cups of red raspberry juice.

To find how many cups of red raspberry juice Eddie needs to make 48 cups of fruit punch, you need to consider the ratio.

The ratio indicates that for every 1 cup of blueberry juice, there are 3 cups of red raspberry juice. Therefore, we can say that the ratio of blueberry juice to red raspberry juice is 1:3.

To find the number of cups of red raspberry juice needed, you can set up a proportion:

1 cup of blueberry juice / 3 cups of red raspberry juice = X cups of blueberry juice / 48 cups of fruit punch

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1 cup of blueberry juice * 48 cups of fruit punch = 3 cups of red raspberry juice * X cups of blueberry juice

48 cups of fruit punch = 3X cups of blueberry juice

Simplifying the equation, we have:

48/3 = X

16 = X

Therefore, you need 16 cups of blueberry juice to make 48 cups of fruit punch.

However, the question asks for the number of cups of red raspberry juice, not blueberry juice.

Since the ratio is 1:3 (blueberry juice:red raspberry juice), the number of cups of red raspberry juice will be three times the amount of blueberry juice.

So, to find the number of cups of red raspberry juice needed, we multiply 16 (cups of blueberry juice) by 3:

16 cups of blueberry juice * 3 = 48 cups of red raspberry juice

Therefore, Eddie will need 48 cups of red raspberry juice to make 48 cups of fruit punch.

So your initial answer of 16 cups is correct for blueberry juice, but you need to multiply it by 3 to get the correct amount of red raspberry juice, which is 48 cups.

To solve this problem correctly, you will need to set up a proportion equation using the given ratio and the amount of fruit punch you want to make.

Let's represent the unknown number of cups of red raspberry juice as x.

The given ratio of blueberry to red raspberry juice is 1:3. This means that for every 1 cup of blueberry juice, there are 3 cups of red raspberry juice.

To calculate the amount of red raspberry juice needed to make 48 cups of fruit punch, we can set up the following proportion equation:

1 cup of blueberry juice / 3 cups of red raspberry juice = x cups of blueberry juice / 48 cups of fruit punch

Now, cross-multiply to solve for x:

(1 cup of blueberry juice) × (48 cups of fruit punch) = (3 cups of red raspberry juice) × (x cups of blueberry juice)

48 cups of fruit punch = 3x cups of red raspberry juice

To isolate x, divide both sides of the equation by 3:

48 cups of fruit punch / 3 = x cups of red raspberry juice

16 cups = x cups of red raspberry juice

Therefore, to make 48 cups of fruit punch, Eddie will need 16 cups of red raspberry juice, not 36 cups. It seems that the answer you mentioned, 36 cups, may be incorrect.