All of the following statement are true about factors EXCEPT:

Complexity, Miniaturization, and productivity are examples of adjustment factors.

A cost factor is a cost estimating relationship, where the dependent variable is not directly proportional to the independent variable.

Technology, business base, and market forces impact the productivity improvement factor.

Several complexity considerations may need to be considered and combined in a logical manner to arrive at a single best complexity value.


To determine which statement is NOT true about factors, we can analyze each statement individually:

1. Complexity, Miniaturization, and productivity are examples of adjustment factors.
To verify if this statement is true or not, we need to understand what adjustment factors are. Adjustment factors are used in cost estimation models to account for variations in cost due to specific features or characteristics of a project. Complexity, Miniaturization, and productivity can indeed be examples of adjustment factors since they can impact the cost or effort required for completing a project. Therefore, this statement is true.

2. A cost factor is a cost estimating relationship, where the dependent variable is not directly proportional to the independent variable.
This statement describes the concept of a cost factor correctly. A cost factor, also known as a cost estimating relationship, represents the relationship between a dependent variable (such as cost or effort) and an independent variable (such as size or function points). In some cases, this relationship may not be directly proportional, meaning that a change in the independent variable does not lead to an equal change in the dependent variable. Therefore, this statement is true.

3. Technology, business base, and market forces impact the productivity improvement factor.
The productivity improvement factor is a factor used to adjust the productivity rate in cost estimation models based on external influences or conditions. Technology, business base, and market forces can indeed impact the productivity improvement factor as they can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the project team, the availability of resources, and the market conditions that influence productivity. Therefore, this statement is true.

4. Several complexity considerations may need to be considered and combined in a logical manner to arrive at a single best complexity value.
Complexity is an important factor in cost estimation models as it affects the effort required for completing a project. In many cases, there can be multiple aspects or dimensions of complexity that need to be considered, such as technical complexity, organizational complexity, or workflow complexity. These different complexity considerations may need to be analyzed and combined in a logical manner to arrive at a comprehensive assessment of complexity for a project. Therefore, this statement is true.

Based on the analysis of each statement, the statement that is NOT true about factors is: "Complexity, Miniaturization, and productivity are examples of adjustment factors."