Write a formula to find the area (A) of a square. Use S to represent the length of one side.

A = S^2

Since you're making a square out of a side, you square the length of the side. :)


To find the area (A) of a square, you can use the formula A = S^2, where S represents the length of one side of the square.

To calculate the area, follow these steps:

1. Measure the length of one side of the square. Let's call it S.
2. Square the value of S by multiplying it by itself: S * S.
3. The result is the area of the square, which you can express as A = S^2.

For example, let's say the length of one side of a square is 5 units. Using the formula, the area (A) would be A = 5^2 = 25 square units.

So, the formula A = S^2 enables you to calculate the area of a square by squaring the length of one of its sides.