
Multipy out the terms in parentheses and then combine the constants. Adding "2t" to both sides will leAave you with -2t on the lest side.
Then solve for t

To solve the given equation, let's follow these steps:

1. Distribute (-4) to the terms inside the parentheses on the left side and distribute (-2) to the terms inside the parentheses on the right side:

-3 - 4(t-5) = -2(t+3) + 11

-3 - 4t + 20 = -2t - 6 + 11

2. Combine like terms on both sides:

17 - 4t = -2t + 5

3. To isolate the variable t, move all the terms with t to one side by adding 2t to both sides:

17 - 4t + 2t = -2t + 5 + 2t

Combine like terms:

17 - 2t = 5

4. Move the constant term to the other side by subtracting 17 from both sides:

17 - 2t - 17 = 5 - 17

Combine like terms:

-2t = -12

5. Finally, solve for t by dividing both sides by -2:

-2t / -2 = -12 / -2


t = 6

Therefore, the value of t that satisfies the equation is t = 6.