Generate an detail-rich, visually appealing image that embodies economic concepts without direct textual representation. The scene displays Mother Earth generously offering up abundant raw materials, alongside an array of tools and edifices built by individuals of diverse descents and genders, symbolizing human labor and capital. Next, show a bustling market scene where customers of assorted genders and descents are interacting and making purchases. In the background, portray elements of a secure social structure, perhaps represented by a law book and scale. Race and gender diverse individuals make conscious, informed decisions amidst a cornucopia of products. Finally, contrast the busy market with images of leisure - a park, a novel, and the like - to symbolize trade-offs in time and resources.

1. What are the three types of productive resources? Select all that apply. (3 points)

the raw materials provided by the planet
the planning and work that go into production
the markets that sell the results of production
the social systems that ensure production is protected
the tools and buildings produced by humans to aid production
the consumer knowledge that allows selection of the best products
2. Which of the following is an economic need, rather than a want? (1 point)
3. What is the negative trade-off of taking a job? (1 point)
paying sales taxes on purchases
having less time to develop skills
not gaining any experience while working
working toward earning a raise
4. How does the limited leisure time of consumers affect their purchasing habits? (1 point)
They value leisure time more than buying products.
They choose the best value of leisure activities and products.
They seek lower-cost products to increase their leisure time.
They choose not to spend money on leisure activities and products.

Social Studies Unit 7 Scarcity and Choice

1: A,B,E
2: C
3: B
4: B

Please don't post false answers on here

1: A,B,E

2: C
3: B
4: B
is 100% right

1: A,B,E

2: C
3: B
4: B

right right right :-)

Hailhydra is 100% right

1, A, B, E

2. C
3. B
4. B
I took the quiz and got 100%

2. B - no

3. A - no
4.B - no


maby bbc

thank you so much love you so much

@Anthony GOT ME A 1/4 I HATE YOU!!!!!!!

My answers are 1.?

2. B
3. A

Is it

1. BCD
2. C
3. D
4. C