when adding /25 and -9 which type of number is the sum?

Plz help me

what is /25?

-25 + -9 = -34
25 + -9 = 16

To find out which type of number the sum of 1/25 and -9 is, we need to add them together.

1/25 + (-9) can be simplified by converting 1/25 to a decimal:

1/25 = 0.04 (rounded to two decimal places)

Now we can add the two numbers:

0.04 + (-9) = -8.96

The sum of 1/25 and -9 is -8.96.

To determine the type of number, we look at the sign of the sum. In this case, the sum is negative, so the sum is a negative number. Therefore, the sum of 1/25 and -9 is a negative number.