Please help super confused!!!

Which points are the best approximation of the relative maximum and minimum of the function?


a. Relative max is at (3,-13), relative min is at (-3,-19).
b. Relative max is at (-3,19), relative min is at (1,-13).
c. Relative max is at (3,-13), relative min is at (3,-19).
d. Relative max is at (-3,-19), relative min is at (-1,-13).

Dividing Polynomials Quiz Part 1 answers:

1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. f (x) = 0.08x^3 + x^2 + x + 0.26
= 0.08(10) ^3 + (10) ^2 + (10) + 0.26
= 0.08 (1000) + (100) + (10) + 0.26
= 80 + 100 + 10 + 0.26
= 190.26

oh hold up he be wrong this is right

The relative maximum is at (–3, 19), and the relative minimum is at (1, –13).
i just submitted
*angered noises*

N.B_2536 is right! Noice!


did you ever figure it out?i need help...

😸is right

Number 6 is wrong it is A not B

Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy tryna screw everyone over

Thx N.B_2536!💙

h t t p s : / / q u e s t i o n s . l l c / v i s i t o r s ? n a m e = N . B _ 2 5 3 6

The relative maximum is at (3, -13), and the relative minimum is at (-3, -19).

Take a look at the graph and figure it out.