at what time is the missile 50m above the ground level?


at what time is the missile 50m above the ground level?




To determine the time at which the missile is 50m above the ground level, we need some additional information. Specifically, we need to know the equation or function that describes the missile's position over time. With that equation, we can set it equal to 50m and solve for the time.

If you have the function or equation that describes the missile's position over time, let's say it is given by h(t), where h represents the height above the ground level and t represents time, then you can solve the equation h(t) = 50 for t.

However, if you don't have that information, or you're looking for a more specific example, let's consider a projectile motion scenario where the missile is launched vertically upwards. In such a case, we can use the equation of motion for vertical displacement under constant acceleration:

h(t) = h0 + v0*t - (1/2) * g * t^2

- h(t) = height of the missile above the ground level at time t
- h0 = initial height (the height from where the missile is launched)
- v0 = initial velocity (the velocity with which the missile is launched)
- g = acceleration due to gravity (approximately -9.8 m/s^2)

Now, assuming the missile is launched from the ground level (h0 = 0) with an initial velocity of v0 = 0 (meaning it starts from rest), the equation simplifies to:

h(t) = - (1/2) * g * t^2

To find the time at which the missile is 50m above the ground level, we set h(t) equal to 50:

50 = - (1/2) * g * t^2

Simplifying further:

t^2 = (2 * 50) / g

t^2 = 100 / g

t = sqrt(100 / g)

Substituting the value of g = 9.8 m/s^2:

t ≈ 3.19 seconds

Therefore, in this example scenario, the missile would be approximately 50m above the ground level after about 3.19 seconds of flight.

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