a rental car company charges a fee based of $44.82 plus $0.55 per mile driven. If x represents the miles driven, write an equation that could be used to find y, the total cost of the bill.

My answer(s):

0.55 + x = y
0.55(x) = y
X + 0.55 = y
44.82 + x = y
44.82(x) = y

None of those equations is right.

y = 44.82 + .55 x

In other words none of the above

or 44.82 + 0.55x =y

Oh nvm

To find the equation that represents the total cost of the bill, you need to combine the base fee of $44.82 with the additional charge of $0.55 per mile driven.

The equation can be written as follows:
y = 44.82 + 0.55x

In this equation, y represents the total cost of the bill, and x represents the number of miles driven. The base fee of $44.82 is added to the additional charge of $0.55 multiplied by the number of miles driven (0.55x). By substituting the value of x into the equation, you can calculate the total cost of the bill (y).