james sold 450 tickets for the community play. Tickets for children cost $2, and tickets for adults cost $5. James sold $1,800 worth of tickets.

How many tickets for adults did James sell?

Let number of children's tickets be ----X

Let number of adults tickets be 450-X

X= 183( round it up to nearest whole number)
James sold 267 adults ticket.

To find out the number of tickets for adults that James sold, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of tickets for children is represented by 'c', and the number of tickets for adults is represented by 'a'.

According to the problem, James sold a total of 450 tickets. So, we have the equation:

c + a = 450 ---(1)

We also know that tickets for children cost $2 each and tickets for adults cost $5 each. The total amount of money James earned from selling tickets is $1,800. So we have the equation:

2c + 5a = 1800 ---(2)

Now we need to solve these two equations to find the values of 'c' and 'a'.

One way to solve this system of equations is by substitution. Solve equation (1) for 'c':

c = 450 - a

Now, substitute this value of 'c' into equation (2):

2(450 - a) + 5a = 1800

Distribute the 2:

900 - 2a + 5a = 1800

Combine like terms:

3a = 900

Divide both sides by 3:

a = 300

Therefore, James sold 300 tickets for adults.