What is the largest two consecutive even integers with a total sum less than or equal to 130?

two consecutive even integers

---> x and x+2

x + x+2 ≤ 130
2x ≤ 128
x ≤ 64

so how about 62 and 64 as the largest pair

Hint: Divide 130 by 2.


it has to be even though

What is 130/2?

What are two even numbers near that quotient?

To find the largest two consecutive even integers with a total sum less than or equal to 130, we can start by identifying what these even integers would be.

First, let's assume that the two consecutive even integers are represented by the variables "x" and "x + 2". Here, "x" represents the smaller even integer, and "x + 2" represents the larger even integer since they are consecutive.

Now, we need to find an inequality that represents the given condition. In this case, the sum of the two integers should be less than or equal to 130. So we can write the inequality as:

x + (x + 2) ≤ 130

Next, let's solve this inequality to find the largest value for "x".