in a certain code "7 8 6" means "bring me apple" , "9 5 8" means "peel green apple" and "6 4 5" means "bring green fruit", which of the following is the code for 'me'?

In a certain code "7 8 6" means "bring me apple" , "9 5 8" means "peel green apple" and "6 4 5" means "bring green fruit", which of the following is the code for 'me'?

A) 8
B) 6
C) 7
D) cannot be determined

Looks like 7 to me, since it is the only number unused in the other phrases, which also mention bring and apple.

To determine the code for 'me', we need to find the group of numbers that corresponds to the word 'me' in the given code.

According to the given information:
- "7 8 6" means "bring me apple"
- "9 5 8" means "peel green apple"
- "6 4 5" means "bring green fruit"

From these codes, we can deduce that the code '6' appears in both the codes "7 8 6" and "6 4 5".

Since '6' appears in both codes, it is logical to assume that '6' represents the word 'me'.

Therefore, the code for 'me' is '6'.

To find the code for 'me' in the given code sequence, we need to look for a code that can be associated with the word 'me' in any of the given phrases.

Let's analyze each phrase and its corresponding code:

Phrase: "bring me apple"
Code: 7 8 6

Phrase: "peel green apple"
Code: 9 5 8

Phrase: "bring green fruit"
Code: 6 4 5

From the above phrases, we can see that the word 'me' appears in the first phrase.

Therefore, the code for 'me' is 7 8 6.