A baker bought some flour. He used to 2/5 of the flour to make bread and used the rest to make batches of muffins. If he used 16 pounds of flour making bread and 2/3 pound for each batch of muffins how many batches of muffins did he make


The correct answer is 36. Everybody who is saying different answers other than 36 is wrong. Im not lying and I wouldn't because if im looking for the answer I wouldn't want people telling me false information. It also says it in the teacher edition.



Ok so, i see a lot of people saying 36 but I just wanna know how to get that answer step-by-step

can people be real on here and i am dissipointed i went on here for the answer!!!! so what the answer

This is ridiculous, people are joking around when people need the real answer this is not okay. Be considerate of other people and don't waste other people's time.

wait is it 36 or 40?!?!?!?!?!/

Trust me 36

this is now helpful i need the answer