Express sec2x in terms of tanx and secx

I know you have to
sec(2x) = 1/cos(2x) = 1/(cos²x - sin²x)
But how do you split that. Like how to simplify that?


To simplify the expression sec(2x), we can rewrite it in terms of tan(x) and sec(x) using trigonometric identities.

1. First, recall that tan(x) is equal to sin(x) / cos(x). Now, let's express sin²(x) in terms of tan(x) and sec(x).

sin²(x) = (sin(x))^2
= (sin(x))^2 * (sec(x))^2 / (sec(x))^2 [Multiply and divide by (sec(x))^2]
= (1 - cos²(x)) * (1 + tan²(x)) / (sec(x))^2 [Using the Pythagorean identity: sin²(x) = 1 - cos²(x) and tan²(x) = sin²(x) / cos²(x)]

2. Next, substitute the expression for sin²(x) into the original expression for sec(2x).

sec(2x) = 1 / (cos²(x) - sin²(x))
= 1 / (cos²(x) - (1 - cos²(x)) * (1 + tan²(x)) / (sec(x))^2)
= 1 / (cos²(x) - (1 - cos²(x)) * (1 + tan²(x)) * (1 / (sec(x))^2))

3. Simplify the expression further.

sec(2x) = 1 / (cos²(x) - (1 - cos²(x)) * (1 + tan²(x)) * (1 / (sec(x))^2))
= 1 / (cos²(x) - (1 - cos²(x)) * (1 + tan²(x)) / (cos(x))^2)
= 1 / (cos²(x) - (cos²(x) - cos⁴(x) + tan²(x) - cos²(x) * tan²(x)) / (cos(x))^2)
= 1 / (cos²(x) - cos²(x) + cos⁴(x) - tan²(x) + cos²(x)tan²(x)) / (cos(x))^2)
= 1 / (cos⁴(x) - tan²(x) + cos²(x)tan²(x)) / (cos(x))^2)
= 1 / (cos⁴(x) + cos²(x)tan²(x) - tan²(x)) / (cos(x))^2)
= (cos(x))^2 / (cos⁴(x) + cos²(x)tan²(x) - tan²(x))

So, sec(2x) can be expressed as (cos(x))^2 / (cos⁴(x) + cos²(x)tan²(x) - tan²(x)).

To simplify the expression sec(2x), you can use the identity cos(2x) = cos²x - sin²x.

Here's how you can simplify step by step:

1. Start with the expression sec(2x) = 1/cos(2x).

2. Substitute cos(2x) with the identity cos²x - sin²x: sec(2x) = 1/(cos²x - sin²x).

3. Factor the denominator: sec(2x) = 1/[(cosx + sinx)(cosx - sinx)].

4. Now, we can express the factors cosx + sinx and cosx - sinx in terms of tanx and secx.

To express cosx + sinx in terms of tanx, divide both sides of the equation by cosx:
(cosx + sinx)/cosx = 1 + tanx.
Therefore, cosx + sinx = cosx(1 + tanx).

To express cosx - sinx in terms of tanx, divide both sides of the equation by cosx:
(cosx - sinx)/cosx = 1 - tanx.
Therefore, cosx - sinx = cosx(1 - tanx).

5. Substitute the expressions for cosx + sinx and cosx - sinx into the original expression:
sec(2x) = 1/[(cosx(1 + tanx))(cosx(1 - tanx))].

6. Simplify the expression:
sec(2x) = 1/(cosx * cosx * (1 + tanx) * (1 - tanx)).

7. Combine like terms:
sec(2x) = 1/(cos²x * (1 - tan²x)).

8. Recall the identity tan²x = sec²x - 1:
sec(2x) = 1/(cos²x * (1 - (sec²x - 1))).

9. Simplify further:
sec(2x) = 1/(cos²x * (2 - sec²x)).

And there you have it! sec(2x) expressed in terms of tanx and secx is 1/(cos²x * (2 - sec²x)).

divide top and bottom by cos^2 (multiply by sec^2) and you have
