Drake has 5 baskets of fruit. Each basket has 12 plums and 14 apricots.

How many pieces of fruit does Drake have in the baskets?

12 +14 = 26

26 * 10 = 260
260/2 = 130

12 + 14 = 26 * 5

This method is way easier

26 * 5 = 130

Drake has 5 baskets of fruit. Each basket has 12 plums and 14 apricots.

How many pieces of fruit does Drake have in the baskets?

To find out how many pieces of fruit Drake has in the baskets, we need to multiply the number of plums in each basket by the number of baskets, and then do the same for apricots.

First, let's calculate the number of plums. Drake has 5 baskets, and each basket has 12 plums. So, we multiply 5 by 12, which gives us a total of 60 plums.

Next, let's calculate the number of apricots. Drake also has 5 baskets, and each basket has 14 apricots. So, we multiply 5 by 14, which gives us a total of 70 apricots.

Now, to find the total number of pieces of fruit, we add the number of plums (60) to the number of apricots (70).

Therefore, Drake has a total of 60 + 70 = 130 pieces of fruit in the baskets.