how did Alexander Hamilton plan to pay off the national debt?

by creating a population tax

by printing new currency

by taxing imports**

by increasing exports

correct, but he did specify a tax on whisky also.

You are correct.


Yay thanks

Alexander Hamilton, as the first Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, had a comprehensive plan to address and pay off the national debt. One of the key aspects of his plan was to generate revenue through taxation.

One way Hamilton proposed to pay off the national debt was by imposing tariffs on imports. Tariffs are taxes levied on goods imported into a country. By taxing imports, Hamilton intended to secure a stable source of revenue to help repay the debt. This approach was also aimed at protecting domestic industries from foreign competition and boosting the growth of American manufacturing.

To implement this, Hamilton introduced a Tariff Act in 1789, which was passed by Congress. The act imposed duties (taxes) on imported goods, varying depending on the type of product. The revenue generated from these tariffs contributed to the government's efforts to reduce the national debt over time.

So, to answer your question, Alexander Hamilton planned to pay off the national debt, in part, by taxing imports.