what can be a new type of office paper recyling service in australia

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Although I didn't see anything specifically referring to Australia, here is something to check:


http://www.brother.com.au/Solutions/bSolutions_govt_default.asp?menu_Govt=true (Australia and Brother)

To come up with a new type of office paper recycling service in Australia, you can consider the following ideas:

1. Mobile Recycling Units: Set up mobile recycling units that can visit different office buildings and provide on-site paper recycling services. Office staff can simply drop off their paper waste, and the mobile unit can process and transport the recycled paper to the appropriate recycling facilities.

2. Paper Collection Bins with Incentives: Install specially designed paper collection bins in office buildings that offer incentives for recycling. For example, employees can earn points for each batch of paper they recycle, which can be redeemed for rewards like vouchers, discounts, or even charitable donations.

3. Collaborate with Postal Services: Partner with postal services to establish a convenient and efficient system for collecting and recycling office paper waste. Postal workers can collect paper waste from offices during their regular routes and deliver them to designated recycling centers.

4. Paper Shredding Services: Offer a comprehensive paper recycling service that includes secure shredding of confidential documents. Along with recycling regular office paper waste, this service can address privacy concerns and help businesses comply with regulations regarding document destruction.

5. Educational Campaigns: Develop educational campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of paper recycling in offices. Provide resources and training to offices to help them establish and maintain effective recycling practices. This can include workshops, seminars, and online resources.

Before implementing any of these ideas, it is crucial to conduct market research to assess the demand and feasibility of each option. You can also consult with local organizations and government bodies that specialize in waste management and recycling services to ensure compliance with existing regulations and guidelines.