What fun activity could I use to to teach 5th grade students about the Constitution?

let them watch that one cartoon video where they sing.. make them sing it

i remember doing this in 5th grade

youtube it

type in schoolhouse rock the preamble

These sites have several good ideas.




HEY, I need help with my s.s homework would u help me please?


Ben's Guide - Google this and you will get lots of grade appropriate

Well you could show a video about the constitution and its makers or you could read a book with a cassete



Don't go to hard on them. 5th grade is hard. Go easy on them.


Try making it into a game.

Like you get points if you get the correct answer.
As a 5th grade student I love to play games. Lots of kids like to get competitive, for instance maybe give out a prize for whoever gets the most points?