CH2 = CH - CH - OH


Draw the structure of this polymer and identify the monomer unit.
Should show three monomer unit

State the type of polymerization involved in forming this polymer

Hi Lacey, do you know the answers for part a, of question 5 at all?

The second carbon from the left, the one with the CH3 attached to it, has five bonds for carbon. That is a no,no.
In previous posts by other students, the CH3 is attached to the C with the OH on it (the first carbon from the right side).

i need help with fractions

To draw the structure of the polymer CH2=CH-CH-OH, you need to repeat the monomer unit multiple times. The monomer unit in this case is CH2=CH-CH-OH.

To start, draw the monomer unit in a straight line:


Next, add the polymerization symbol (-) between each monomer unit to indicate that they are connected:


Finally, draw the "CH3" group attached to the first carbon from the right side, as mentioned in your question:


So, the final structure of the polymer CH2=CH-CH-OH with three monomer units and a CH3 group attached is like the above.

The type of polymerization involved in forming this polymer is condensation polymerization. It is a type of polymerization in which monomers combine to form a polymer, while also eliminating a small molecule, such as water, in the process. In this case, as the monomer unit CH2=CH-CH-OH combines with another monomer unit, it eliminates a water molecule (H2O) during the polymerization process.