A blue marlin can swim at speeds of about 50 miles per hour. What is that speed in feet per second, to the nearest whole number? (Remember, there are 5280 feet in a mile, 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour.)

50 mi/h * 5280 ft/mi *1 h /3600 s

mi cancels
h cancels
we are left with

50 * 5280/3600 ft/s

= 73 ft/s

Multiply the amount of feet in one mile by the amount of miles in the question(5,280 x 50 = 264,000)

Divide the amount of feet in 50 miles by the amount of minutes in 1 hour to get the amount of feet per mile (264,000 ÷ 60 = 4,400)
Divide the amount of feet per mile to get by the amount of seconds in a minute to get the amount of feet per second (4,400 ÷ 60 = 73.33)
Your answer rounded to the nearest whole number is "73"

To convert miles per hour to feet per second, we can use the following conversion factors:

1 mile = 5280 feet
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds

First, let's calculate the distance the blue marlin can swim in one second:

50 miles/hour * 5280 feet/mile * 1 hour/60 minutes * 1 minute/60 seconds

Simplifying the units gives us:

(50 * 5280) / (60 * 60)

Now, let's do the calculations:

(50 * 5280) = 264000
(60 * 60) = 3600

Therefore, the speed of a blue marlin in feet per second is approximately:

264000 / 3600 ≈ 73.33 feet per second

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the speed is approximately 73 feet per second.

To convert speed from miles per hour to feet per second, we need to multiply the speed by conversion factors that account for the number of feet in a mile and the number of seconds in an hour.

First, let's convert miles to feet. There are 5280 feet in a mile, so we multiply the speed by 5280:

50 miles/hour * 5280 feet/mile = 264,000 feet/hour

Next, we need to convert hours to seconds. There are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute, so there are 60 * 60 = 3,600 seconds in an hour:

264,000 feet/hour * 1 hour/3,600 seconds = 73.33 feet/second

To round to the nearest whole number, we round 73.33 to 73. Therefore, a blue marlin can swim at a speed of approximately 73 feet per second.