Which of a function of state governments that is not a function of the federal government?

A)creation of a public school system
B)collection of taxes**my answer
C)regulation of interstate commerce
D)punishment for crimes


States collect state income taxes and sales taxes.

Then it would be A

Yes, A.

Correction on my first answer. The federal government collects federal income taxes.

Yes, right, A

I have a lot of other question:

One of the main reasons the Founding Fathers created federalism was because they believed that
A) Dividing power among the states and the national government would prevent any governmental entity from abusing its authority.
B) Local governments, if left unchecked by the national government, would spend so much money that they would go bankrupt.
C) The national government had to strongly control the activities of state governments. **my answer
D) Without a strong national government, the country would never be able to expand its borders.

I would be inclined to favor A, balance of power.

what do you mean? @Damon

A) Dividing power among the states and the national government

When the Framers created the legislative branch of government, why did they decide that this branch would have a bicameral structure?

A) They wanted to ensure equal representation for each of the thirteen states.
B) The Framers formed a bicameral legislature as a compromise between small states, which wanted equal representation in the legislature, and large states, which wanted representation based on population. **
C) Fearing a powerful judiciary chosen by the president, the Framers wanted a two-house legislature to balance the other two branches of government.
D) Fearing a tyrannical executive branch, the Framers were persuaded to create a bicameral legislature by the arguments of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton.

Yes, B.

Which two principles are the foundations of every state’s constitution?

A) Powers and process
B) Popular sovereignty and limited government
C) Structure and civil rights
D) Fundamental law and civil rights

my answer is C.

And your answer is?

I doubt if most of the southern states have guarantees of civil rights in their constitutions.


No. Please do not post that question again. You've used up your two guesses.

Why is it easier for the prime minister of Britain to pass legislation than it is for the U.S. president?

a) The United Kingdom is a federal system where the prime minister is chosen by the British queen. This provides the prime minister the opportunity to be politically aggressive to pass legislation. **my answer
b) The United Kingdom is a parliamentary system where the prime minister is chosen by the courts. This allows the prime minister to be politically aggressive to pass legislation.
c) The United Kingdom is a federal system where the prime minister is chosen by voters. This provides the prime minister with considerable legislative and executive power.
d) The United Kingdom is a parliamentary system where the prime minister is chosen by and is part of the Parliament. This provides the prime minister with considerable legislative and executive power.


You aren't very successful with your guesswork, are you?

Why don't you try reading your text?

Actually I am successful with my guesswork! And yes I did reading my text! If you don't want to help. You don't have too

Hmm -- then after I told you that civil rights were not in some state constitutions, why did you continue to choose civil rights?

Hmmm---maybe I go confused on what you were saying!